15 August 2013 137 DET ER DAGS FOR IS-SMELTING Når jeg var i bønn i går, så begynte jeg å gråte. Jeg hadde nettopp opplevd hvordan en relasjon mellom [...]
25 July 2013 132 KAN DU NYTE LIVET? Nå tror noen av dere at jeg er «ute og sykler». Gud vil vel ikke at vi skal være nytelses-syke. Nei, jeg [...]
25 July 2013 149 WHAT DO WE DO WHILE WE ARE WAITING? It was my youngest daughter who gave me the idea for the title of this sermon. She had recently been [...]
15 May 2013 128 Don’t give up! 15th of May Do you remember that I have written that there will be many births this year? I do not primarily [...]
15 May 2013 0 We want to give birth to an Isaac 1st of May I can almost see the question marks in the faces of some of you. What is she thinking about now? [...]
15 May 2013 0 How are you reacting to the end-time prophesies? 15th of April The Old Testament has quite a few prophesies about the last days and so has the New Testament. [...]
15 May 2013 125 Do you feel secure? 15th of March Some people will ask: Secure, in connection to what? That is a good question since we can feel [...]
14 May 2013 0 My book Inner Healing and Deliverance—Finding Your True Identity is written by a Christian counselor and social [...]
12 May 2013 119 Fire, part 1 In the beginning I thought I might write only one chapter on this subject, but as I started writing, I found [...]
12 May 2013 133 False and true peace, part 3 1st of March This time I want to show you some Bible-verses that talk about peace and I will definitely [...]