7 May 2013 145 What does Christmas mean to you? 1st of December I live in Sweden and it is quite dark here right now. The sun is only up for a few hours and [...]
7 May 2013 133 Are you at a crossroads or are you in a roundabout? 15th of November I think that the title is rather funny and I pray that the content would make some of you [...]
7 May 2013 156 Transformation and reformation 1st of November I might mention some of the things that I have written before, especially when it comes to [...]
7 May 2013 174 Do not hold anything good back, part 2 15th of October Norway went through a crisis for a little more than a year ago. One person caused the death [...]
7 May 2013 0 Do not hold anything good back 1st of October PART 1 I am just as curious as you are about the content of to-day’s message. God gave me [...]
7 May 2013 134 What is God doing in these days? 15th of September I can only write about what I sense in my spirit and what I see. You live in other places [...]
7 May 2013 130 Speak to the mountain! 1st of September I am coming from a very mountainous country. I love mountains and I think they are very [...]
7 May 2013 131 Back to everyday life 15th of August Welcome back from your vacation. I do live in Sweden for the time being where most people take [...]
7 May 2013 130 The Lord wants to restore the Church 1st of July I was in a difficult situation some days ago and I was in need of some practical help. In the [...]
7 May 2013 174 The Lord wants to deliver His children 1st of May I know that I have written about deliverance several times. You can also go back to 2006 and 2007 [...]