7 May 2013 154 What is behind the facade, part 2? 1st of March Part 2 Last time I wrote about the different things one should look for when one is in love and [...]
7 May 2013 106 What is behind the facade, part 1? 15th of February Part 1 I will be philosophizing around this theme. The reason is that I have seen a lot of [...]
7 May 2013 68 Revival 1st of February What is revival? It is when something dead, comes alive. That is in our own personal lives, [...]
7 May 2013 163 A New Beginning 15th of January We have recently started a new year and you might have promised yourself that this year will [...]
7 May 2013 131 What does the Devil do to hinder the Body of Christ to function? Part 2 1st of January Part 2 I mentioned sickness, rumors and gossip, bad relationships, divisions and control, [...]
7 May 2013 0 It is time for the child to be delivered 15th of December We can go back to the story of Christmas and think of Mary, the mother of Jesus. She was [...]
7 May 2013 145 What does Christmas mean to you? 1st of December I live in Sweden and it is quite dark here right now. The sun is only up for a few hours and [...]
7 May 2013 133 Are you at a crossroads or are you in a roundabout? 15th of November I think that the title is rather funny and I pray that the content would make some of you [...]
7 May 2013 156 Transformation and reformation 1st of November I might mention some of the things that I have written before, especially when it comes to [...]
7 May 2013 174 Do not hold anything good back, part 2 15th of October Norway went through a crisis for a little more than a year ago. One person caused the death [...]