Why am I here on this earth, part 1?

1st of November

We live in a time when many commit suicide. More and more young girls take their own life. Many people feel that life is without meaning. When we look around and see all the negative things in the world, I do understand that one can become scared. Especially if one lives without a God and without thinking about eternal life. I have no doubt that we live in what we call “the last days”. The world will become darker, but the Light will shine brighter for the children of God and it will be more and more important to know why we are placed here on the earth.

Do you believe that you are here by coincidence? Many people believe in “Fate” to-day. Very few can tell me what fate is. They might say: “Fate has joined us together.” I do not believe in fate, but in the God Who has created Heaven and Earth and every creature on the earth. I believe in guidance by the Holy Spirit. I do not believe that I am here by coincidence, but as a part of God’s divine plan.

In Genesis 1:27 we read that God created man and woman in His image. He blessed them and said: “Be Fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it.” This is the first divine principle given by God. He wants us to bear fruit and multiply, not only in numbers, but in all good deeds.

We can for sure say that GOD HAS CREATED US. In Is. 43:1 we read: “I have created you, O Jacob, and formed you O Israel: Fear not, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name. You are Mine.” You can continue to read the next verses and see how much God loves you and how He looks upon you with joy. I can almost hear that some of you say:” that was Jacob.” But in my Bible it says that God treats everybody the same way. If you have received Jesus in your heart and is born again, you are a child of God and He is your Daddy.

God has created all human beings as ETERNAL BEINGS. In the Bible we read about Heaven and Hell. In Eccl.3:11 we read that God has made everything beautiful in its time and that He has put eternity in our heart. God has prepared a room for us in Heaven, but it is up to us if we want to live there or not. I recently heard a description of hell. God had sent a man to hell in order for him to warn mankind. What he described was more terrible than I could imagine. It was much worse than some of the torture we can read about in the newspapers. God has never created you for hell. HE HAS CREATED YOU TO LIVE WITH HIM AND ALL THE SAINTS FOR THE REST OF OUR ETERNITY. He loved us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus to earth to take upon Himself all the sins of this world and Jesus became the Lamb that was slain for our sins. Jesus opened a way to His Father in order for us to be born again and to live with God for all eternity. All we need to do is to confess our sins and receive the sacrificial gift of Jesus. We are then becoming new creatures in Christ. (2.Cor.5:17).

Many people feel lonely. Even Christians can feel this way, but as children of God, we are never alone. We have an umbilical cord to our Daddy in Heaven and can come to Him at any time. He always wants to be together with us and will always listen to us and always answer us even if the answer does not come right away.

Many think that we have to do a lot of things for God all the time, but do you remember the story about Martha and Mary? Jesus said that Mary chose the better part when she sat at His feet in order to learn from Him. Martha was always so busy.


Jesus says in John 15:5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” In some verses later Jesus says that His Father is glorified when we bear much fruit. We can read in the same chapter that a branch that does not bear fruit, will be taken away and every branch that bears fruit, will be pruned in order to bear more fruits.

We are created to make a difference in the world.

We were originally created to live in harmony with our God in the Garden of Eden, but this harmony was quickly broken when Adam and Eve fell in sin. Satan became the ruler of this world. Only those of us who have Jesus in our heart can restore harmony on earth and take back what the devil has stolen. Do you wonder how and how you are going to produce fruits?

I can first of all assure you that you are not going to do it in your own strength. As children of God we have God’s nature in us. In God’s nature we will find perfect love, righteousness, power, joy and peace and faith that overcomes the world. We also have all the heavenly resources available.

In Eph.2:10 we read: “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”


To bear fruit and to do good deeds belong together. I am so glad that a branch can not live and bear fruit unless the branch is connected to the stem. Life comes from God and Jesus says that we must be in Him. If there is anything blocking life to flow from the stem to the branch, there will be less life and less fruits on the branch. Sin and wounds in the soul or in the body can be such blockages. The life of Jesus can not flow freely and we produce less fruits, maybe even bad fruits will come forth. IN ORDER TO PRODUCE GOOD FRUIT, WE MUST ABIDE IN JESUS. Such blockages can be removed by confessing sins, forgiving, healing and deliverance. If you produce fruits, the Gardener will prune you and you can bear more fruits. Many find it painful to be pruned, but take it as a compliment. It only proves the fact that the Gardener is satisfied with the fruits you are producing and wants more.

What kind of fruits does the Lord like? EVERLASTING FRUITS. What is that?

First of all we have to go to Jesus. We can study His life here on earth. How did He live as long as He was a human being here on earth? Then we have to go to the Word of God and look at what the Bible calls good deeds. I will come back to these points in the next chapter.

I am so glad that we should walk in the good deeds that He already has prepared for us. He has prepared the ground for them and given us the tools and the weapons we need to carry them out. What we are supposed to do is therefore not difficult. In Matt.11:29 and 30 we read: “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”


GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!!!!!

Mother Else