We will have to dress and undress in the year of 2009, part 5!

1st of April

Part 5

This will be the last part of this theme. I have mentioned a lot of different forms of sin and attitudes that should not be part of a Christian’s life. It has actually been a presentation of the works of the flesh and the works of the Spirit. I have called the works of the flesh for “dirty clothes” and the works of the Spirit for “nice and clean clothes“. We know which clothings that are pleasing to the King and we would also feel better when we use “nice and clean clothes“.

I have mentioned the clothes that should be thrown away and asked you to get hold of a symbolical garbage-bag. Some of us are prone to take back the sins that we have confessed and will easily do them again. Others have bad habits and they are not so easy to brake. God doesn’t see confessed sins, but do we? I have been in meetings where we have written down our sins and confessed them and later we have burned them. You might use a garbage-bag and throw it away. These things are only practical means. It might be enough to have a mental picture of fire or a garbage-bag. Please remember the fact that the Holy Spirit is always there to help you in the fight against sin and in the process of sanctification. We do not need to use our own strength. We might not come so far then. We only need to activate our will.

God has asked us to get dressed in love, mercy and goodness and many other good things. This is an activ act and I have used the picture of clothes as a symbol. We can choose which clothes to dress in. God has also shown us the clothes that we should not dress ourselves with. We have had some of them for such a long time that we hardly want to get rid of them. Only you can choose which clothes to wear. (You are not a child) There are those who might want to decide for you, but the final decision is always yours even if you might ask for advice.

Is.53.4-5 are my favourite Bible-verses. It describes so clearly what Jesus did on the Cross. We read in verse five that He was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities. We have sinned and should be punished, but He took every sin ever committed with Him on the Cross and paid the penalty. Can you imagine the pain and the burden of the sins of this world? No, we really can’t grasp it since it is dreadful beyond our understanding. We can continue to use the symbol of clothes and say they He wore all the ugly and worn-out clothes that ever existed.

In verse four we read that Jesus bore our griefs and carried our sorrows. In many other translations we read that He bore our sicknesses. Others say that He bore our sufferings. The last sentence of verse five goes like this:”And by His stripes we are healed.” This is repeated in 1.Pet.2:24. When we are sick, we are surely having griefs. These verses say that Jesus bore our sins as well as our sicknesses. This is also beyond our understanding. When I am sick, I ask myself: “Why do I carry a sickness that Jesus has already carried?” Is it really God’s will for me to be sick? Why did God allow His most precious Son to carry all of them if I should also have them? I know that sickness is part of this world and it came through the fall of man. It did not exist in the Garden of Eden. Sometimes people think that a sick person has sinned more than others. That is absolutely not so, but through the fall of man, sin came into this world and the devil got dominion over it. He is happy when people get sick.

Some people think that this is God’s way of punishing us and we just have to be patient. If you as a father or mother is angry at your child, do you brake his arm or leg or poison him a little as punishment? I really hope not. NOR DOES GOD. I have personally gotten a word that God is going to restore my body during 2009 and I believe that. THE SPIRIT OF GOD IS SAYING TO ALL OF US TO “UNDRESS” SICKNESSES THIS YEAR.

Sometimes we are having an unhealthy life-style and this can cause sicknesses to appear, but many times we get sick without knowing why. Sometimes it is an attack from the devil. We might have done something good for the Lord and he wants to stop us. Since God doesn’t send them, we must look upon sicknesses as enemies. How do we treat enemies? We fight them. We can use doctors, hospitals and medicine. Their goal is to get rid of the illness or minimize the symptoms, but God has given us even better remedies. In psalm 107 we read in verse 20:”He sent His Word and healed them.” He is also saying that we shold lay hands on the sick and they will recover.(Mark.16:18) and in James 5:14 we read that the sick should call upon the elders to anoint them with oil and they will get well. The truth will set us free and the truth is: JESUS HAS ALREADY BORN OUR SICKNESSES.

The Word of God is like medicines and we should be just as careful to use that as medicines described by the doctor. The Lord Himself is called the Great Physician.

God wants us to go through our bodies and our soul and take hold of the different sicknesses and sufferings. He wants us to “undress” them. Remember that I said that it could be a long or short process. I have seen instant healings both in others and myself, but there are other times where all legal means will be used and still it takes time. The devil might put up a fight, but do not forget that Jesus already won the fight 2009 years ago. IT IS IN HIS POWER THAT WE WIN VICTORY.

The last thing that I will ask you to undress is: OLD PROBLEMS AND OLD WOUNDS THAT MIGHT CAUSE BITTERNESS. If you do not do that, you will already have written a lot in your almanac and the sheet are not clean. Wounds have to be healed and we find healing in the wounds of Jesus. You can read more about this in the chapter “spirit, soul and body.” I am having spiritual guidance and I pray for many and I do believe in talking about a problem with an adviser, but only Jesus can heal. Psycologists can listen and reveal problems, but not heal. They might say thay you should learn to live with it. Forgiveness is also part of the healing. Unforgiveness can lead to bitterness and that again can lead to physical and mental problems. I will therefore say in a simple way: FORGIVE AND CUT OFF ANY BITTER ROOT IN YOUR LIFE AND ALLOW THE LORD’S LOVE AND GOODNESS TO HEAL YOU.

If you have any bad relationship, make up as far as possible. There are people who are not willing to make up. You can’t do anything else then than to release them, bless them and go on with life.

Others are having bad memories. DO YOU KNOW THAT THE LORD CAN TAKE AWAY AND HEAL THE WOUNDS IN YOUR MIND? I have experienced that myself. Take them to the Lord. I am quite often layng hands on the head of a person and I pray and ask God to heal the bad memories. I also take authority over the evil one who causes them to suffer.

Others are carrying unnessary burdens. GOD WANTS YOU TO GET RID OF THEM. UNDRESS THEM!


Mother Else.