Transformation and reformation

1st of November

I might mention some of the things that I have written before, especially when it comes to the first church and what God is doing in these days.

The words transformation and reformation are words that I hear everywhere I am in these days. It must be on God’s heart right now. A few weeks ago when I was home here in Sweden, I read a book written by a Danish fellow about the last reformation. I was recently travelling around in Italy, visiting different congregations and wherever I was, I heard about transformation and reformation. I think it is quite exiting that God is doing the same in the Body of Christ independently of place and country.

Reformation means that something is recreated to the original. It can also mean that something is renewed or get another form.

Transformation means that we are transforming a thing to something else. Transformation actually means to change.

We read in 1.Peter 4:7 that the judgment shall start with the house of God. This was actually written over two thousand years ago, but it is more important than ever since I believe we stand before major changes in the world.

God is transforming us to take part in a word-wide reformation. He is shaking everything that can be shaken, both individuals and congregations, church societies both nationally and internationally. Nations go through crises in their economy and others are in both national and internal wars. All kind of groups, including religious groups fight each other. Nature-catastrophes are making huge damages and we see a lot of signs that we live in the last days. We need to be transformed in order to stand and bring others with us in this time.

I will recite from Matthew 28:18-20:  Jesus came and spoke to them, saying,” All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Jesus didn’t ask them to build big church buildings, cloth themselves in special clothes or take many years of training in order to preach the Gospel. No, He asked them to make disciples. I am not against Bible schools or a certain theological training, but I have seen newly saved praying for sick people and the sick got healed. It isn’t our knowledge, but the power of God that makes people well. I heard today about some children who prayed for sick people. They saw the sick getting well and then they went out and played as nothing special had happened. It was just as natural for these children to see the sick being healed as it was to play.

Jesus had twelve disciples close to Him and then we know that He sent out seventy more to the “mission field.” I am quite convinced that the disciples of Jesus had disciples and that these again had disciples. G12 started in Colombia and uses this principle. You are in a group to receive and be trained and you have a group with your own disciples. I believe that it is a godly principle to receive and to give.

What did Jesus do together with His disciples? He was eating with them and he travelled with them. He taught them and after some time they were asked to practice what they had learned. Jesus didn’t wait many years before he sent them out. They heard and saw what Jesus did and they did the same. How many do like this today? I believe in certain order and am against chaos, but I believe that our focus is wrong. We have built systems instead of making disciples. Many of the systems are built on one or more leaders and many sheep. They are asked to follow the leader, but they are not taught to become disciples. Every leader should follow the example of Jesus. He was teaching, prayed for the sick, fed the hungry and restored the needy. He said that we should baptize people in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I really believe that God is in the process of tearing down systems and building His own temple, built with living stones.

Many people are ready to make disciples and others are in the process of training. If I am going to make disciples, I want to be an example for them. I really want to be one they can follow. This is why need transformation.You and I must be changed. We are already created in His image, but we need to be more like Him. I seriously believe that if people saw more of Jesus in us, they would be drawn to us in a greater way. Jesus was surrounded by a flock of people. It was not because of His look, but because he taught with authority and He met people with love. He mingled with them and when they were in need, He healed and delivered them. People met the solution to their problem. We have the same Jesus on the inside of us.

I believe that God is cleansing His people from the wrong teaching that systems have taught us. The main point is not to support a system, but to build relationships to the Lord and to people. God has led me supernaturally to different people where I live and in other parts of the world. He is building His kingdom and glues the right stones together. Everybody I meet has the desire to be more like Jesus and each and every one of us wishes to do what the Lord tells us to do. He has given us different gifts and these are used to help each other and those that do not yet know the Lord.

I wrote before that I thought that we would meet more in the homes in the last days, just the way they did in the beginning. One comes closer to each other and one can rob and polish each other as needed. One can testify about what God has done in one’s life and ask for prayers for the needs one still has. One can share the Word and the Communion.

The Word “church” is only mentioned twice in the Bible. The Greek meaning of the word is: to be separated and being together. Jesus says that where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I. We must stop thinking about the church as a building, but think about ourselves as living stones in a big body. I believe that God wants to gather many in His name sometimes and we need a big place then. He wants us to pray and praise Him and maybe He wants us to tear down some of the enemy’s stronghold. It is not wrong to be many, but disciples are built in small groups.

Some churches baptize twice a year and have communion once a month. This is not biblical. The Acts 2 describe Peters’ sermon to the people. Many received his words and they were baptized and three thousand were added to the church. Jesus said that we should take communion as often as we eat and drink in remembrance of Him.

I really believe that we should go out and testify about Jesus and make disciples. Some of us are called to “clean the fish”, but even we are called to make disciples of all nations.

Many are praying for revival and some have done it for years. It is not wrong, but not everybody thinks about how it should happen. It should actually come through you and me. The Holy Spirit does come over places sometimes, but revival comes most of the times through people. We have not followed the order of Jesus.


Mother Else