9 May 2013 0 Jesus is the way November 28th I want to write about Jesus as the way, the truth and the life. The first will be about THE [...]
9 May 2013 109 The Word of God is your food, part 2 November 18th Part 2. We are continuing to compare the Word with the food we eat or choose not to eat. I [...]
9 May 2013 87 The Word of God is your food, part 1 November 8th Part 1 The Bible is full of stories about natural food as well as spiritual food. Much of our [...]
8 May 2013 145 Call to me, and I will answer August 8th We have been given a telephone-number to God and that is:333. In Jeremiah 33:3 it says:”Call [...]
8 May 2013 130 Summer June 28th SUMMER……………That means different things for you who live in India and [...]
8 May 2013 0 This is a Jesus year!! January 8th He is the beginning and the end, and everything in between. We are called to a high and holy [...]
8 May 2013 189 To wait and to expect 15th of December This preaching will come out in the middle of Advent. Advent means that we are waiting for [...]
8 May 2013 145 Christmas 2008 15th of December “THERE WAS NO ROOM FOR THEM IN THE INN” This time I will write about two [...]
8 May 2013 465 Trust in the Lord (Not in people)! 1st of December I tried to change the subject, but there was no flow in the Holy Spirit. I realized then that [...]
8 May 2013 0 Trust in Him! 15th of November I am writing this sermon for you as well as for myself. I am in a situation right now where [...]