12 May 2013 123 What are the characteristics of a good leader? Part 1 1st of August I have listened to a lot of teaching saying that all of God’s children are leaders. Some of [...]
12 May 2013 126 How do we react to oppositions and attacks? Part 2 15th of April Part 2 This is the second part of this theme. They belong together since my thoughts go a [...]
12 May 2013 0 How do we react to oppositions and attacks? Part 1 1st of April Part 1 I believe that I could get almost as many answers as there are people on this planet [...]
12 May 2013 0 The Prophet, part 8! 1st of February Part 8 This will be the last part of this theme, at least now. I do not believe that I have [...]
12 May 2013 166 The Prophet, part 7! 15th of January I have underlined that every new born Christian can hear from God and we can all prophesy, [...]
12 May 2013 113 The Prophet, part 6! 1st of January Part 6 I am not allowed to continue with another theme even if we are entering a new year. You [...]
12 May 2013 126 The Prophet, part 5! 15th of December Part 5 A new era started on the Day of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit was poured out. We are now [...]
12 May 2013 861 The Prophet, part 4! 1st of December Part 4 I am in the process of going through the prophets of The old Testament and we have [...]
12 May 2013 125 The Prophet, part 3! 15th of November Part 3 Last time I wrote about the prophets Isaiah, Jonah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. They were [...]
12 May 2013 119 The Prophet, part 2! 1st of November Part 2 Last time I stated the fact that the prophet is both a spokesman and a seer. He was [...]