12 May 2013 130 The Prophet, part 1! I will write about the prophet in the Old testament, the prophetic ministry and the prophetic gift of the [...]
12 May 2013 115 The Family, part 3! 1st of October Part 3 This time I want to write about the big family, The Church, both the local and the [...]
12 May 2013 0 The Family, part 2! 15th of September Last time my focus was on all the things that do not function and how the devil tries to [...]
12 May 2013 125 The Family, part 1! 1st of September I am going to write about the core family, but might even mention God’s family, the [...]
12 May 2013 136 Faith, part 2 1st of July Part 2 We need faith for every area of our life and I will write about a few areas. I, myself, [...]
12 May 2013 162 Faith, part 1 15th of June To-day I will write about a subject that we all need to come back to again and again. I have [...]
12 May 2013 132 We will have to dress and undress in the year of 2009, part 5! 1st of April Part 5 This will be the last part of this theme. I have mentioned a lot of different forms of [...]
12 May 2013 0 We will have to dress and undress in the year of 2009, part 4! 15th of March Part 4 We will start by reading the Colossians the third chapter. In my Norwegian Bible the [...]
12 May 2013 0 We will have to dress and undress in the year of 2009, part 3! 1st of March Part 3 I wrote in the second part that we should lay aside all forms of lying and dress in the [...]
12 May 2013 185 We will have to dress and undress in the year of 2009, part 2! 15th of February Part 2 I said last time that we had to get rid of the sin that so easily ensnares us. I [...]