8 May 2013 0 Seek first the kingdom of God! 15th of August I want to share a theme that I myself think a lot about. I have mentioned this several times [...]
8 May 2013 114 Rest in the Lord! 1st of August This has been a message to me lately. It is therefore only natural that I share with you what I [...]
7 May 2013 0 Friendship 1st of July I might have written something about this before, but I am urged to write a theme about this now. [...]
7 May 2013 0 Inheritance 15th of June You probably know that we all inherit something. We inherit a certain resemblance from our [...]
7 May 2013 127 Expect a harvest! 1st of June We are enjoying the summer right now and I am not asking you to wait for the fall with its chill. [...]
7 May 2013 141 Be fruitful! 15th of May I know that I have written about this in other subjects, but I have chosen to write about this as [...]
7 May 2013 101 Don’t give up! 1st of May Patience is not my strongest virtue and I am therefore writing this to myself just as much as [...]
7 May 2013 0 It is not in vain 15th of April I will continue to write about good deeds and I am especially writing to you who think that you [...]
7 May 2013 168 Created for good deeds 1st of April Many people are confused and wonder why they live. What is the purpose for living? They might be [...]
7 May 2013 0 Allow the supernatural to become natural! 15th of March I have lately watched films about healings, miracles, rising from the dead and strong [...]